Dream Spell for Clarity and Guidance


  1. A small, soft pouch or fabric bag
  2. Dried lavender flowers
  3. Amethyst crystal or a small piece of amethyst
  4. A white candle
  5. A lighter or matches
  6. Optional: a journal or dream diary


  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can perform the spell without interruption.
  2. Begin by centering yourself and taking a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body.
  3. Light the white candle, which represents purity and clarity.
  4. Hold the amethyst crystal or piece in your hands and focus your intention on seeking clarity and guidance through your dreams.
  5. Place the amethyst crystal and a handful of dried lavender flowers into the soft pouch or fabric bag. As you do so, visualize the bag becoming charged with positive energy and the ability to enhance your dream experiences.
  6. Hold the pouch in your hands and repeat the following incantation three times, speaking it with conviction:
    "Blessed amethyst and fragrant lavender,
  7. Guide me through dreams with clarity and favor.
  8. As I sleep, let my subconscious mind reveal,
  9. Insights and wisdom that are truly real."
  10. After reciting the incantation, place the pouch under your pillow or beside your bed where you can easily reach it.
  11. Dim the lights or turn them off completely, creating a calm and soothing ambiance conducive to sleep.
  12. Lie down in bed, taking a moment to relax your body and clear your mind. Close your eyes and envision yourself surrounded by a soft, protective light.
  13. As you drift off to sleep, hold the intention of receiving clear and insightful dreams. Repeat a positive affirmation or statement in your mind, such as "My dreams provide me with valuable guidance and understanding."
  14. Upon waking up, immediately reach for the pouch and hold it in your hands. Take a few moments to recall and write down any dream fragments or vivid experiences in your journal or dream diary, if you have one.
  15. Reflect on the dreams you had and any messages or symbols that stood out to you. Trust your intuition and allow the meanings to unfold naturally.
  16. Keep the dream pouch near your bed, using it each night as a reminder of your intention to receive clarity and guidance through your dreams.

Note: It's important to remember that dreams can have various interpretations, and their meanings may be subjective. Use your own discernment and intuition to interpret the messages received in your dreams. The purpose of this spell is to enhance your dream experiences and foster a deeper connection with your inner wisdom


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